Use of Software

Surveying Warwickshire Schools

From a survey of 22 Warwickshire schools, we found that the most common uses for the software were:

Use of Communicate: In Print

Use by Teachers and Teaching Assistants

  • Printing resources
  • Printing labels and notices
  • Importing photographs for CFE materials
  • Creating vocabulary lists
  • Visual timetables
  • Behaviour target boards
  • Labels on displays
  • Story boards
  • Worksheets for pupils
  • Instruction sheets for pupils
  • Birthday board
  • Key word
  • Literacy and numeracy target boards
  • Creating vocabulary sheets for
    - creative writing,
    - additional science,
    - adding downloaded photographs from the Internet to existing resources


Use by Pupils

Pupils in Designated Speech and Language Provisions (DSLP) use CIP to produce work in literacy and as a spelling check. If the word is spelt correct the symbol pops up - very motivating.

Individual pupils are able to use CIP to make their own booklets (eg about sequencing the day). They can put in their own photos - giving a real sense of achievement and engagement.


Use of Communicate: By Choice

This is being used by a few schools, but the majority are familiarising themselves with CIP and have not approached CBC yet.

Three secondary schools are usung CBC for some dual placement students.



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